Hello Health Advocates,
Wow its winter and we all start to panic about the excess belly fat. Well did you know that a little mineral replacement can have a profound boost on your metabolism? You see, Selenium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies that I see in people with sluggish thyroids, and research suggests that thyroid disease is linked to selenium deficiency.
In my clinical experience, most people with a sub-optimal Thyroid have a deficiency in selenium, and being deficient in this key thyroid nutrient is a very common and widely-recognized trigger of autoimmune thyroid conditions!
The good news is that supplementing with selenium at a therapeutic dosage has been found to reduce thyroid antibodies, reduce thyroid symptoms, and improve overall well-being. And shed a few kilos. (1-3)
As an added bonus, selenium has been shown to help reduce anxiety as well. I remember my own disbelief when, after taking selenium supplements, my frequent panic attacks completely disappeared! You may not have even realized that the anxiety you are being treated for is a very common thyroid symptom, but it is.
Interestingly, a 2004 study found that there is, in fact, an association between the presence of an anxiety or mood disorder, and the presence of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies. (4)
Because selenium can reduce thyroid antibodies, I believe this is why it can help with thyroid-related anxiety.
Beyond Hashimoto’s, other populations at risk for selenium deficiency include: people on certain diets (grain-free, gluten-free – just the type of diets that we usually find to be helpful for those with Hashimoto’s!), people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities, those with IBS, those with Graves’ disease, women who are pregnant or experiencing postpartum thyroiditis, and people with thyroid eye disease. (5-8)
Why such an impact on so many? Selenium is vital to our body’s ability to convert T4 to T3, and has a balancing effect on our thyroid and immune health. It also plays an important role in managing our oxidative stress within the thyroid, through a complex relationship with iodine, which I’ll discuss in more detail in this article. Additionally, new research has shown that selenium may have synergistic benefits, when used alongside myo-inositol. (9-12)
Research has shown that the optimal intake of selenium is difficult to get through diet alone, especially if you are like many people with Hashimoto’s who experience gut issues that cause poor nutrient absorption. Absorption challenges can even be seen with supplementation, so it’s important to address this issue for optimal selenium levels.
Our Formulae pharmacists will help you discover what your selenium levels are like, and if required, formulate a personalised supplement you will love to stay calm and healthier.
Mary-Lou Condon
Formulae Compounding Pharmacist.