Why is Personalised Nutrition Important when Healing the Microbiome?
Most of us will already know about or have heard of the gut microbiome. But there are other microbiomes too. One of the largest ones is actually on the surface of the skin.
Now as we start to understand more and more, we find there is a focus that is starting to form on pro-biotics and pre-biotics and how this will fix you or at least make you healthy.
This is kind of true in a sense, but there’s another really important consideration.
Its estimated that as humans, we are comprised of more bacterial cells than our own human cells.
The microbiomes – skin or gut – are required for us to survive and keep us healthy. But it also cuts the other way too. Our human cells confer health to the microbiome. It is a symbiotic relationship.
When the microbiome starts to become disrupted we find that nutrition suffers – more specifically how we absorb our nutrition and process it. This can lead to things like mineral and vitamin deficiency, hormone changes, neurotransmitter changes. On our skin, the barrier formed by the microbiome starts to break down and we end up with dry skin, dermatitis, eczema, acne, rosacea and even prematurely aged skin. Both indicate that our human cells aren’t working optimally. Which in turn means that our microbiome starts to suffer. It’s a real chicken/egg scenario that rapidly turns into a downward spiral.
So the best way to restore optimal health, is to look at the microbiome along with the physiology of our cells and make them both healthy TOGETHER.
This means correcting nutritional/vitamin deficiencies and correcting hormone disturbances. The only way to do this is by measuring each individual to find out what is out of kilter or what is deficient. Then a personalised supplement needs to be created to correct these deficiencies as every individual will differ.
At the same time we need to make sure that the microbiome is directly supported with a pre-biotic approach. That is working towards enhancing the health of the microbiome.
The microbiome forms the key to human life, health and performance and it is where we will begin the Formulae Journey….